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Sunday, November 14, 2010

How to get good grades by A.

Though I am not  perfectly exceptional in this area I do have some helpful hints, and who knows maybe they will help someone.
First of all, in order to get good grades, you have to actually want them and yes, apply yourself *gasp*
but no worries, getting good grades is actually easier than most people think! that is.. once you truly want them and apply yourself :)
Be respectful: Teachers these days especially in high schools they are frazzled. So be as nice, respectful, and.. un-disruptful as you possibly can, that will help them out a lot and they will appreciate your considerateness..
Next, check your grades often. This is rather easy these days because of the technology most schools have. When you check your grades, you can always know where you stand. That way, you can talk to your teachers about things quickly and you'll never be finding things out at the last minute or right before the quarter/semester ends.
In most cases teachers really do wanna work with you, you just have to make it a littler easier on them. Communicate with them, and you'll be surprised how awesome and helpful they are.

Take notes! Notes are very important at school. It doesn't matter what class you are in, notes are crucial, also notice that if a teacher keeps repeating things, that's probably a good sign what they're saying will be on the test.
Get a lot of rest. You can't be sleeping all the time in school, or even just drowsy. Trust me, I've learned for myself. Your grades will begin to plumet if you are not getting adequate rest. Also, if you're a driver I hear that drowsy driving is just as bad as drunk driving.. just sayin'. Do whatever it takes to get the sleep you need.
Develop the love of learning: I won't lie, lots of kids nowadays just don't have that as much, but it's okay because the love of learning is pretty easy to acquire. Learning things is really fun, being knowledgeable itself will give you a really great feeling I promise. When you know things if gives you a sense of accomplishment. Plus it's really good to learn and know things. It gives your brain a work-out. Whether it's math, history, art, english, choir, woodshop, etc. whatever it is learn it, and love it! You'd be surprised just how good it feels to know things with all your heart.
Prioritize: I can't describe just how important it is to have priorities. Know what you want, know what comes first. Know what is truly the most important to you, and don't let it go.
Goals: Goals really help. We've all been learning it since elementary school, well they really do. Write what you want to do down. Make it happen, just want it.
Study: Studying is really easy in most cases. Get some 3x5 cards and make nifty creative flashcards. Use a lot of different study methods, try them out, and remember which one figuratively slaps you on the face and makes the information just stick in your head. For me it's writing the information down. Sometimes even repetitively. It just works for me.
 So in closing I guess I just want to say that high school, or any education, really flies by. Soak it up, learn, and love it. Have a desire to be as intelligent as you possibly can. Set goals, and achieve. It doesn't matter who you are, what school you go to, it just doesn't. Anything really is possible. Have faith.

We can do hard things.

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